St Vincent's Secondary School

Student Council


IMG_2771 (2).JPGThe Student Council

Student council is the heart of student voice. It is an organisation that works for all students. The council is inclusive of all students as it opens its doors to all interested students and is aware of student needs and opinions.

The aim of the Student Council is to work in partnership with the Board of Management, staff and parents for the benefit of the whole school community.

The Student Council seeks to build a relationship based on mutual respect and trust with all in the school community. It supports the staff, management and parents in their efforts to create and maintain an environment conducive to educational and personal development.

As part of that process, the Student Council seeks to provide a line of communication between students, management, staff and parents, representing the views of the student body on matters of concern to them.

The council contributes to overall school development by being involved in school policy development and to be a resource in working in partnership with the management of the school.

The student council consists of one democratically elected representative from each base class from first to fifth year. The three head girls from sixth year act as representatives of 6th year.

St Vincent's Secondary School
Seatown Place
Co. Louth

042 933 6736/933 2790

© 2025 St Vincent's Secondary School