In St Vincent’s we collaborate and engage in collective teaching techniques every day. Over the past six years we have developed our School Self Evaluation process. We began our collaborative work with the establishment of a Teaching and Learning Team in 2016. Presently we continue our work together led by the SSE coordinator.
During the school years 2016/2017 and 2017/18 we were guided by our Literacy, Numeracy and AfL School Improvement Plans (SIP). We reviewed the targets set out in our School Improvement Plan and evaluated their impact in each year group in a qualitative and quantitative manner. We continued to maintain areas of strength and work to improve any areas in need of improvement. We began our work with 1st years and subsequently continued our work through to 3rd year and beyond. We are consistently aware of the explicit and implicit literacy and numeracy themes that arise during each lesson in all year group and worked to embrace the literacy and numeracy moments in our teaching.In St Vincent’s we celebrate the many areas of strength in literacy and numeracy and as teachers we collaborated as well as worked individually and collectively to ensure that our students’ learning was impacted in a manner that allowed them to flourish and reach their full potential as happy lifelong learners. The year 2017/2018 was the year we began our gathering of data on AFL. We looked at our areas of strength and areas for improvement in planning for targets for 2018/ 2019.
In 2018/2019 we continued our focus on targets in Literacy and numeracy and engaged with specific teacher collaboration through the Pineapple Timetable. This initiative was led by the Assessment for Learning Team and was explored as an option during our scoping year 2017/2018. The Pineapple is a symbol of welcome and openness so we have developed a Pineapple Timetable. Through this process we invited each other into our lessons to enjoy peer observation with group work classroom strategies, assessment for learning practices etc. This allowed us to share best practice and to develop our own learning. In the academic years 2019-2021 much of the SSE process was concerned with mitigating the effects of the global pandemic. The SSE process was utilised to plan for effective remote teaching and learning, to plan for the safe reopening of our school and to support the academic, social and emotional needs of our students following the pandemic. In 2021-2022 SSE focused on four main areas; Literacy, Numeracy, Assessment and Wellbeing.The SSE-SIP plan for 2022/2023 will be posted on the news section of Compass.
SSE SIP 2016-2017
SSE SIP 2017-2018
SSE SIP 2018-2019
SSE SIP 2019-2020
SSE SIP 2020-2021
SSE SIP 2021-2022
The above are all available on request from
Sample SSE report 2016-2017 and SIP 2016-2017:
School Self-Evaluation Report: Executive Summary 2016 2017
School Improvement Plan: Executive Summary 2016 2017