Junior Cycle Curriculum Physical Education
In St Vincent’s students follow the Physical Education Short Course for Junior Cycle. The students have a double PE class weekly (80 minutes) and over the course of three years the following strands of PE are covered:
- Games,
- Dance,
- Gymnastics,
- Athletics
- Outdoor Pursuits.
Students complete Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) in two of these strands - one CBA in second year and one in third year. Students can then choose one of these CBAs to be put forward for their classroom Based assessment descriptor on their Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement . The CBAs are practical in nature and are accompanied by a student reflection on their learning. Students have a Physical Education workbook that is used to support their learning in the Short Course.
Senior Cycle Curriculum St.Vincent’s Physical Education
Transition Year students participate in a double period (80 minutes) every week. Over the course of the year 3 modules are covered. Module 1 is a health-related module where the students improve their fitness by taking part in a variety of activities including jogging, Pilates, fitness studio and circuit training. Module 2 is a Self-Defence module for 6 weeks with a qualified Self-Defence Instructor. Module 3 is Transition Year Challenge whereby students enjoy a fun-based mix of sports for 6 weeks.
In 5th Year students partake in a double period(80 minutes) per week. There is more of an emphasis on student autonomy when choosing activities.Students take part in a wide range of activities which are changed every two weeks. Activities include Tag Rugby, volleyball, Dance,Pilates,Fitness Gym,Park Run, Rounders and netball.
In 6th Year students are timetabled a single PE classic 40 minutes. Students participate in a wide range of activities throughout the year alternating every 2 weeks. The 6th Year students have access to the Fitness Suite where they can train during this time.