St Vincent's Secondary School

Management Structure


St Vincent’s is a Voluntary Catholic Secondary school for girls given direction by the Mercy philosophy of education and under the trusteeship of CEIST (Catholic Education An Irish Schools' Trust)

The Board of Management manages the school on behalf of the Trustees CEIST and is accountable to CEIST. The Board upholds the characteristic spirit (ethos) of the school and is accountable to the patron for so doing. The current Board of Management composed of eight members, commenced in October 2022. Mr Paul Jevens is Chairperson and the other members are Mrs Mary Caffrey, Mr Tom Mahon, Mrs Sinead Bewley, Mrs Emer Holmes, Mr Niall Lavery, Ms Eva Whyte and Mr Ashley Thompson. The Principal, Ms Fiona Butler is Secretary to the Board. The Board is responsible for all matters relating to the school and it delegates to the Principal the responsibility for the day-to-day running of the school. Everything organised by or in the name of the school must be with the Board’s prior approval. The Board is very grateful for the help and support of the parents in so many areas of school life, including fundraising, supporting and attending school functions. The Board is particularly grateful for parental input in the formulation of school policies.

The Principal, Ms Fiona Butler is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school, including providing guidance and direction to the teachers and other staff of the school and is accountable to the Board for that management. The Principal is assisted by three deputies, Mrs Deirdre McEnteggart, Mrs Linda McCusker and Ms Helen Daly.

St Vincent's Secondary School
Seatown Place
Co. Louth

042 933 6736/933 2790

© 2025 St Vincent's Secondary School